The Exposing Extremism in Elections project documents how extremist narratives, once largely relegated to the fringe, are making inroads into mainstream politics, specifically electoral campaigns. The 2024 report highlights campaign communications that employ narratives and rhetoric crafted by extremist movements and the political hard right. While some candidates in the dataset may have connections to SPLC-designated hate and antigovernment groups, the 2024 report does not seek to classify them as extremists. Instead, it shows how extremist rhetoric and narratives have seeped into mainstream politics and are now being peddled in electoral campaigns.

2024 Reports
Document how extremist narratives, once largely relegated to the fringe, are making inroads into mainstream politics, specifically electoral campaigns.
2020 & 2022 Reports
Exposing Extremism in Elections — a project of the SPLC Action Fund — aims to educate the public about political candidates’ apparent ties to, or sympathies toward, extremist organizations or ideologies.
Who They Are
Extremists in the U.S. come in many different forms – white nationalists, anti-LGBTQ zealots, racist skinheads, neo-Confederates and more.

Voting Information
Find information on elections, including primary and general election dates.
Submit a Tip
If you have information about a candidate who has ties to extremism, please contact us.