Montgomery, Ala.– With the Alabama Legislature more than halfway done with its session for the year, members of Alabamians for Fair Justice are calling on the full House and Senate to take up House Bill 107. The legislation repeals the state’s Habitual Felony Offender Act and provides opportunities for resentencing for people convicted under this draconian law.
Alabamians for Fair Justice supports this bill. The Habitual Felony Offender Act is one of the major reasons why Alabama struggles with a dangerously overcrowded prison system. House Bill 107 passed the House Judiciary Committee last week, but has not yet been heard by either the full House or Senate. It is one of many changes that must be made to Alabama’s criminal punishment system, which incarcerated people, their family members, and loved ones have been sounding the alarm on for years.
The following is a statement from Shay Farley, regional policy director with SPLC Action Fund.
“The Habitual Felony Offender Act’s time has come. Since its adoption, it has resulted in thousands of unnecessarily harsh sentences, contributing to the state’s overcrowded prisons. There are more than 6,000 people over the age of 50 in ADOC custody, 30% of whom were sentenced under the HFOA. HB107 is not an automatic release valve, but it will give those who qualify an opportunity for judicial review. Repeal is necessary for moral and fiscal reasons and we urge the full House and Senate to take it up in the remaining days of this session.”
The following is a statement from Alabama Justice Initiative Deputy Director Veronica R. Johnson.
“Repeal of the Habitual Felony Offender Act is absolutely necessary. But House Bill 107 must be recognized as only the first step. Much more needs to be done to decarcerate Alabama’s dangerous and overcrowded prisons. We need real parole reform – not a system that sends people like Sgt. Lett back to prison, even though he did everything right. We need investments in communities – not three new mega prisons that are going to cost taxpayers over $3 billion. Hopefully the House and Senate will vote in favor of repeal soon and then we can move onto the next steps.”
The following is a statement from Pastor Kenneth Sharpton Glasgow, founder of the Ordinary People Society (TOPS).
“This unjust law passed in 1977. Two generations of Black people have suffered because of it. People who went before the criminal courts were thrown in jail on sentences that did not reflect the reality of what happened. The idea of rehabilitation was not considered. It was all about punishment and oppression. We have fought and organized against this law for decades, and hopefully the House and Senate will do the moral and just thing and end it now.”