Florida No Place for a Child supports judicial review for children before going into adult jails


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The Florida Senate Committee on Criminal Justice approved Senate Bill 474 today. It requires judicial review before a child is tried in an adult court and prohibits putting someone younger than 15 into an adult facility. It would also keep children in a juvenile facility unless a judge specifically ordered the defendant to be sent to an adult jail that is designed for people 18 and older.

The No Place for a Child Coalition supports this legislation. Right now in Florida prosecutors have the ability to put any juvenile charged with a crime into the adult system. Defense lawyers cannot stop this from happening, and neither can a judge. Senate Bill 474 would give judges the ability to determine if justice is best served by having the child tried in adult or juvenile court.  

The following is a statement from Carrie Boyd, policy counsel for the SPLC Action Fund.

“Giving prosecutors the unfettered power to send children to the adult criminal justice system puts young lives in harm’s way and makes us all less safe. Research has shown that kids are less likely to reoffend when they stay in the juvenile system. We urge state legislators to pass this common sense check and balance measure and send it to Governor Ron DeSantis for signature.” 

For a full list of organizations involved in the No Place for a Child coalition, go to https://www.noplaceforachild.com/about-us.