TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Earlier today, the Florida House of Representatives Judiciary Committee passed House Bill 93 and House Bill 95 — and are now headed to the floor for a full House vote. House Bill 93 removed the requirement that limits diversion program expunction to misdemeanor offenses, and House Bill 95 provides an exemption from public records requirements when a minor is arrested but did not face criminal charges and successfully completed a diversion program.
The No Place For a Child Coalition supports this legislation. The following is a statement from Carrie Boyd, policy counsel for the SPLC Action Fund.
“Our focus must be on rehabilitation over punishment when it comes to children. And we must do everything possible to ensure that a mistake someone makes as a child doesn’t follow them into their adult lives.
“House bills 93 and 95 are key pieces of legislation that can help kids achieve this by keeping them out of the criminal justice system and allowing them to learn from their mistakes. I can think of no better way of supporting our youth than to give them an opportunity to learn and grow from their mistakes so that they can still go to college and get jobs, which would not be available to them with a criminal record.”
For a full list of organizations involved in the No Place for a Child coalition, go to https://www.noplaceforachild.com/about-us.