Gov. DeSantis Backs Education Budget Proposals, Special Session to Undermine Public Schools

Proposed Legislative Bills Would Strip Authority from Local Elected Officials & Deprive Students of a Safe Learning Environment

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The Florida Legislature will convene Monday, November 15 for a special session called by Governor Ron DeSantis in an attempt to block schools, businesses and local governments from requiring COVID-19 vaccines and face coverings, adding to a long list of attacks launched against public schools and local governments since DeSantis took office. Under the Florida Constitution, the state is required to provide a “uniform, efficient, safe, secure, and high quality system of free public schools that allows students to obtain a high quality education.”

The following statement is from Bacardi Jackson, interim deputy legal director for Children’s Rights at the SPLC Action Fund:

“Time and again, Governor Ron DeSantis has demonstrated that he is not afraid to skirt federal and state laws, undermine our public institutions and put children and families at risk for political gain. And during this special session more of that will be on display.

“The proposed agenda shows an astounding disregard for local communities and children. And, it renders meaningless the promise of Florida’s Constitution. Instead of providing safe schools, the special session agenda includes bills that would strip the State Health Officer and local governments, schools and businesses of the authority to require vaccinations or face coverings to guard against the threat of COVID-19.

Ironically, the state government is proposing to do to local leaders, business owners and school districts what they have long decried as government overreach. But with the November 2022 election looming, DeSantis is doubling-down on his efforts to score political points with his base – even at the expense of public safety and our children’s health and future. This school year alone, families have had to bury nearly 30 children and schools lost more than 100 active educators. At the same time, local economies have suffered the impact of hundreds of thousands of student and educator quarantines brought on by the politicization of basic health protections.

“To add insult to injury, the Governor announced his proposed education budget just days before the special session begins in hopes that it would distract from his dismal track record of undermining our public schools. The budget undercuts Florida students and educators by thousands of dollars. As our recent school funding report found, Florida spends more than $4000 less per student than the national average. DeSantis’ proposed education budget would add a mere $200 more per student each year – leaving Florida ranked in the bottom five states for per pupil spending, and again reneging on its constitutional promises to our schoolchildren.

“It is clear that DeSantis and his political allies in government care more about winning elections than they do about protecting communities and providing strong schools for our children. We must and can do better.”