SPLC Action Fund Applauds Biden Repeal of Discriminatory Transgender Military Ban

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WASHINGTON, DC – Today, President Joe Biden issued an executive order lifting the ban on transgender people serving openly in the U.S. military. The military’s own research showed that the ban weakened our military’s readiness resulting in compromised recruitment and the loss of qualified, trained service members.

The following statement is from Scott McCoy, interim deputy legal director with SPLC Action Fund:

“We applaud President Biden’s support of the U.S. military by embracing all qualified Americans who can and want to serve this country in the armed forces. This discriminatory ban weakened our military and deprived the nation of trained service members, which needlessly put our country at a disadvantage.

“Unlike the unjust policies created to target the LGBTQ+ community by the previous administration, President Biden’s executive order is grounded in facts instead of prejudice.

“Opportunity to patriotically serve one’s country should never be limited by gender identity or sexual orientation. Transgender people serve our country with honor and courage, many in combat, despite Donald Trump’s cruel, unfair and unnecessary ban.

“Transgender service men and women enlist with the same hopes and dreams for America’s security and prosperity. Their sacrifice is equally deserving of our respect, appreciation and admiration.

“The SPLC will continue to stand with all transgender and gender-nonconforming Americans – whether civilian or military – in the march toward dignity and equality for everyone in our nation.”