SPLC Action Fund Applauds Unanimous Passage of Bill Establishing Juneteenth as National Holiday

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Tuesday, June 15, the Senate unanimously passed a bill establishing Juneteenth as a national holiday. The bill now goes to the House and if passed, to President Biden for signature.

SPLC Action Fund CEO Margaret Huang issued the following statement in response:

“The SPLC is pleased that the U.S. Senate proactively passed a bill recognizing Juneteenth as a national holiday. Given current partisan politics, this particular unanimous decision exudes hope.

“While we applaud this action, it is a small concession marred by the darkest chapter in United States history. An era that embodied unchecked white supremacy and a system of government that encouraged the dehumanization and brutalization of millions of Blacks for the personal and economic gain of Whites. A ritual of oppression whose beliefs, traditions and aftereffects continue to echo throughout the Black community today.

“These are historical facts that will never be erased by legislating a holiday. But acknowledging Juneteenth nationally begins the long overdue work of telling this shared American story fully and truthfully.

“To date, teaching Black history has been relegated to the month of February and in many regions, all but excluded from the classroom. Hopefully, this teachable moment will not be lost as together we live, learn and relearn our shared American story.

“We urge the House to quickly pass this bill and for President Biden to sign the bill without delay.”