SPLC Action Fund Condemns Alabama House Bill 391 as Transphobic by Ostracizing Kindergarten to 12th Graders from Sports

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MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Today, the Alabama Legislature passed House Bill 391 (74-19-2), which seeks to prevent transgender student athletes from participating in sports that align with their gender identity from kindergarten to 12th grade. House Bill 391 will now be referred to the Senate committee for consideration.

The following statement is from Scott McCoy, SPLC Action Fund interim deputy legal director, LGBTQ Rights & Special Litigation:

“Today, the Alabama House, in an effort to solve a problem that does not exist, chose to force their own irrational fears and transphobic sentiments on to transgender student athletes by passing House Bill 391, which will prevent students from participating in any sport that aligns with their gender identities.

“School-based sports programs encourage teamwork, discipline, self-esteem, and promote healthy lifestyles – attributes all kids need to become successful adults and productive members of society. Transgender student athletes should be allowed equal opportunities to play any sport they choose as their authentic selves, just like any other student.

“When this bill was in the House Education Policy Committee on February 24th, a representative from the Alabama Athletic Association stated that this legislation is unnecessary. With legislation pending that directly affects the lives of Alabamians’ ability to feed their families, reopen schools and navigate the worst pandemic of our lifetimes, it seems that the Alabama legislature has chosen to feed the fears of an ignorant and hateful few rather than attend to the needs of the many.

“The House’s decision will also inevitably eliminate Alabama schools from participating in championships at the regional or national level if those events allow teams with transgender athletes to participate. This affects not only transgender children but all students who participate in school sports. Further, there will undoubtedly be some who will blame transgender students for this decision, opening them up for further risk and bullying.

“Targeting transgender youth who wish to participate in sports is just one more cruel attempt to erase their existence. The SPLC Action Fund will continue to tirelessly work to ensure that transgender youth and the LGBTQ+ community are treated with fairness, dignity and respect.”