MONTGOMERY, Ala. – This evening, it was announced that Gov. Ivey signed HB 391. The bill prevents transgender kindergarten to 12th grade student athletes from participating in sports that align with their gender identity.
The following statement is from Scott McCoy, SPLC Action Fund interim deputy legal director, LGBTQ Rights & Special Litigation:
“We are saddened, but not surprised, that Gov. Kay Ivey continues to prioritize intolerance and exclusion over the needs of Alabama’s transgender students.
“Despite the transphobic sentiments of the bill, the fact remains that there is no evidence transgender student athletes – specifically females – enjoy any advantage over cisgender competitors. There is no unlevel playing field in this regard in Alabama. If anything, this law now treats transgender youth unfairly.
“HB 391’s discriminatory language is based not in fact, but ignorance, fear and prejudices that only serve to harm Alabama students who dare to be their authentic selves. Once implemented, this bill will only harm trans children by subjecting them to further bullying and isolation instead of just letting kids enjoy being kids.
“By signing House Bill 391, the governor, aligned with the Alabama Legislature, has chosen to leave Alabama’s transgender students behind.”