The 2020 election season underscored the urgent need for transformational democracy reform. The voting rights that facilitate our democracy have been weakened by targeted voter suppression that disproportionately affects Black, Brown and Indigenous communities and the failure of state legislatures to implement common-sense reforms to ensure safe and accessible voting to all. Across the nation, Americans experienced unprecedented obstacles to voting, including state officials’ failure to respond to an ever-worsening pandemic and barriers erected by elected officials. Now we have the chance to do something about it.
Last month, Congress announced the For the People Act, a bill that would streamline and reform election administration procedures to help protect the fundamental right to vote.
The common-sense reforms in this legislation, which are deeply popular and have passed in many states and localities, aim to accomplish three main goals:
- Protect and strengthen the sacred right to vote through reforms that would automatically register voters, end racially targeted voter registration purges and stop partisan gerrymandering;
- Modernize election administration and end felony disenfranchisement in federal elections; and
- Implement anti-corruption, pro-ethics measures to clean up our government.
This legislation is a top priority, but we need your help to ensure it passes.
In the aftermath of the insurrectionist sacking of the U.S. Capitol on January 6 — incited by the outgoing anti-democracy president — this legislation is timely and incredibly important. Without structural democracy reform, our nation will remain unable to fully address the urgent needs of the American people, such as expanding affordable healthcare and stopping the spread of COVID-19, protecting the environment and creating millions of good-paying jobs.
Thank you for doing your part to help push these much-needed reforms across the finish line. With this legislation, the future of our democracy is being reshaped to allow each and every one of our voices to be heard.