Urge Congress to support a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, TPS Recipients and Essential Workers


Several important immigration bills are on the line in Washington, and we need your help to urge the Biden-Harris administration and every member of Congress to take immediate action to stand with all immigrants who call this country home. DREAMers, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients and people who are undocumented are an important part of our communities. They’re our friends, neighbors and families. Five million essential workers who are undocumented have worked on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic to keep our lights on, our store shelves stocked and our communities safe and housed. However, too many people have no viable path to citizenship. Millions of DREAMers, essential workers and people eligible for TPS, a program that shields people from deportation to countries experiencing natural disasters, violent conflict or other extreme circumstances, have no protection from cruel deportations that shatter families and communities. Building a fair, humane and functional immigration system that grants desperately needed security to our neighbors who are undocumented isn’t just the right thing to do. It’s what our democracy demands we do. Eighty-three percent of voters, including 66 percent of Republicans, support a pathway to citizenship for DREAMers, and over 6 in 10 voters support including a pathway to citizenship for undocumented essential workers in a COVID relief package. Undocumented workers have risen to the occasion and helped their friends, family and neighbors throughout the COVD-19 pandemic. It’s past time to give them the protection they deserve by establishing a clear path to citizenship.