Henry Whitehorn’s Victory in Caddo Parish Sheriff Race Marks Major Step Forward in Fight for Fair Representation 


SPLC Action Fund-Endorsed Candidate Becomes Parish’s First Black Sheriff

CADDO PARISH, La. — The SPLC Action Fund released the following statement responding to Henry Whitehorn’s election over the weekend as Caddo Parish Sheriff. SPLC Action Fund endorsed Whitehorn in the general and special election noting his experience and the urgent need for better representation in law enforcement across Louisiana.  
“In a state with a shocking lack of diversity in law enforcement leadership, Mr. Whitehorn’s election marks a major step forward in ensuring the system is representative of the community it serves,” said Madison Hollon, program manager of political campaigns for the SPLC Action Fund. “We were proud to endorse Mr. Whitehorn and hope we will see more well-qualified and representative candidates step forward for these important roles in the years to come.”  
Early last year, the SPLC Action Fund released a report on the racial disparity among sheriffs and prosecutors across Louisiana. While the state has a Black population of 33%, only 6% of Louisiana sheriffs are Black. The report, Out of Balance: Racial Disparity Among Louisiana’s Sheriffs and Prosecutors, illustrates that while the vast majority of Louisiana’s district attorneys (DAs) and sheriffs are white, Black residents are starkly overrepresented in the state’s criminal legal system.  
The SPLC Action Fund is focused on lifting up communities of color, particularly in the Deep South, who face systemic oppression, poverty and structural racism. To overcome these injustices, the organization is committed to reimagining the political, economic and social systems that sustain them to create a world where all people can thrive.  
In pursuit of this bold agenda, the SPLC Action Fund supports candidates who share its commitment to fixing the deep inequities that plague our nation.