House Bill 445 is a threat to free speech and local government control

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Montgomery, Ala.– Earlier today the Alabama House Judiciary Committee passed House Bill 445. If passed the bill would criminalize First Amendment rights to free speech and assembly while preempting the authority of local governments. Under this bill, criminal penalties would be enhanced for people accused of committing a crime at a protest rally, but substantial discretion will be left to charging officers, leaving the door open to abuse. 
The SPLC Action Fund opposes this legislation. HB 445 also makes local governments ineligible for state grants – such as funds from the Rebuild Alabama Act – if a local government defunds or abolishes its law enforcement agency. This would take control away from the people who know their communities best and force local governments to make cuts to schools, roads and other needed projects when that is not the will of the voters or local elected officials. 
The following is a statement from Shay Farley, interim deputy policy officer for the southeast with SPLC Action Fund.
“This is a threat to all who engage in peaceful protest, whether they march for a conservative cause, a liberal action or something in between. History has shown us that the First Amendment protects the right to make people uncomfortable.  The vast majority of protests since the death of George Floyd have been peaceful, and this bill is clearly designed to instill fear in would-be protesters and silence dissent. Protesters ought to be protected, not arrested, and local governments should be trusted to make decisions that are best for their constituents. We urge the full House to reject this anti-democratic bill.”