Laws making voting harder is unacceptable



You’ve heard from us multiple times this session about Senate Bill 90– described by our lawmakers as an attempt to “stay ahead of the curve” by imposing new voting restrictions. Many SPLC Action supporters like you saw through the excuses supporters of SB90 have hidden behind and responded by taking action and flooding legislators’ inboxes to let them know this is unacceptable. Thank you.

Senate Bill 90 is scheduled to be taken up by the Senate Rules Committee on Tuesday morning at 8:30 and this may be our last opportunity to stand in vocal opposition:   

Among a host of other provisions blatantly designed to make voting harder, the bill would:

Cancel current vote-by-mail ballot requests and require voters to submit anothe request to vote-by-mail in the next election; 

Set an absurdly high bar on voting rights grounds that are returning voter registration forms, and impose sanctions on these groups; 

Criminalize friends or caregivers delivering vote-by-mail ballots for elderly or the mobility-impaired. 

Florida was seen as a national leader in the 2020 elections, a far cry from the reputation of confusion and chaos from elections past. Members of both parties have agreed the 2020 election in Florida was safe and secure. Not a single one of these measures is necessary for election security. All these measures will do, in the words of Leon County Elections Supervisor Mark Early, is, “[set] us up for another 2012, when we had long lines, chaos and confusion.”

Under the cover of the hideous Lie that the 2020 elections were stolen, Gov. Ron DeSantis and the majority party are using this opportunity to attempt to choose their voters and preserve their power. The best way to combat such tactics is to participate in our democracy– contact the Senate Rules Committee and let them know we are paying attention. Tell them to oppose SB90. 

Thank you, as always, for your support.

Photo by AP/Chuck Burton