MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Today, Gov. Ivey signed Act 2021-293 (HB 385) which modified Alabama’s sex education mandates by removing the discriminatory language regarding homosexuality and homosexual conduct.
The following statement is from Shay Farley, SPLC Action Fund Regional Policy Director:
“We applaud Gov. Kay Ivey for enacting HB 385, which ends the accepted culture of discrimination endured by Alabama’s youth solely because of their sexual orientation. This legislation ensures that sex education in Alabama public schools is factual, age-appropriate, and medically accurate.
“Since 1992, state law has required that when sex education is taught in Alabama schools the instruction include language targeting “the homosexual lifestyle” as illegal and immoral. This language is not only legally inaccurate, it encouraged further stigmatization and isolation of LGBTQ students.
“Non-inclusive sex education not only prevents LGBTQ students from learning the information and skills they need to stay healthy, but it also contributes to a climate of exclusion in schools, where LGBTQ students are already frequent targets of bullying and discrimination.
“SPLC Action has partnered with allies, direct service providers and members of the LGBTQ community for years to remove harmful words from our state code. With these changes, we’re encouraged that all youth, regardless of their sexual orientation, will receive an education that empowers them to make healthy, informed decisions about their relationships and their bodies.”