SPLC Action Fund Applauds Survival of Governor Edwards’ Vetos of Transphobic Senate Bill (SB) 156, Anti-Voter Bills SB 63 and 224

BATON ROUGE, La. – Yesterday, legislators in the Louisiana House failed to override Gov. John Bel Edwards’ veto of Senate Bill 156, an anti-transgender bill that would ban transgender girls and women from participating in sports aligning with their gender identity. On Tuesday, SB 63 and 224, bills which would have placed unnecessary burdens on voters who need to vote by mail, failed to reach the necessary Senate votes to override the Governor’s veto.

The following statement is from Terry Landry, SPLC Action Fund Policy Director – Louisiana:

“This veto override special legislative session was clearly an exercise in appeasing ideologues across the country rather than serving the people of Louisiana. We commend those legislators in the Louisiana House who supported Governor Edwards’ veto of SB 156 which targeted transgender girls and women by preventing them from participating on sports teams consistent with their gender identity. Similarly, we’re thankful enough legislators in the Louisiana Senate supported the veto of SB 63, which would have made it more confusing to hand deliver a ballot, and SB 224, which would have erected unnecessary barriers to voting absentee. The session also failed to override the Governor’s veto of a harmful bill that would have created an unnecessary purge of registered voters in Louisiana.

“Governor Edwards’ veto and the failure of the veto override counters the hateful message SB 156 sent when it was passed and instead makes clear that Louisiana will not hop on the anti-transgender bandwagon along with the record number of anti-LGBTQ legislation that has been proposed across the U.S. Credible athletic organizations, such as the NCAA and the International Olympic Committee, allow transgender women to compete. The fact remains that there is no evidence transgender student athletes enjoy any advantage over cisgender competitors. Governor Edwards and those who voted against overriding his veto recognized that transgender athletes deserve equal opportunities to play any sport they choose as their authentic selves, just like any other student.

“With the governor’s vetoes of anti-voter bills still in place, Louisiana was able to defy the trend this year across the Deep South in Georgia, Alabama, and Florida by only passing into law bills that increase voting time and early voting opportunities.

“The SPLC Action Fund will continue to tirelessly work to ensure that transgender youth and the LGBTQ+ community are treated with fairness, dignity and respect and that more voters can have easy access to the ballot box.”