SPLC Action Fund condemns Georgia State Election Board decision to hand count ballots


ATLANTA — Friday, the Georgia State Election Board voted to approve a new rule to hand count ballots, just weeks before polls open. The rules were approved despite opposition from the Georgia attorney general, secretary of state, and association of county election officials. 

“Requiring every county in Georgia to hand count ballots before certification threatens Georgia’s well established, time-tested checks and balances.  We rely on these checks and balances to ensure fair, accurate and secure election results, and without them we open the door for delays, human error and corruption” said Isabel Otero, Georgia policy director, SPLC Action Fund. “This is a power grab by the State Election Board and they’re trying to write their own rules for our elections after the people’s representatives rejected these ideas in the legislature.

“These disruptive and nonsensical changes to vote-counting procedures this close to a major election will create administrative burdens for Georgia’s local election officials and create chaos and confusion for voters, continued Otero.

“Extremist election deniers have no place on the State Election Board. The people of Georgia must demand that they stop sowing chaos for voters and officials preparing for the election and call Governor Brian Kemp and Speaker Jon Burns to remove Dr. Janice Johnston, Rick Jeffares and Janelle King who continue to cast doubt on our elections and allow these rules to move forward,” concluded Otero.