MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Today, a non-discrimination ordinance (NDO) introduced by Mayor Steven L. Reed was voted down by the Montgomery City Council. The ordinance promised to bar real and perceived biases in order to make the city more welcoming and inclusive.
The following statement is from Scott McCoy, SPLC Action Fund interim deputy legal director, LGBTQ Rights & Special Litigation:
“SPLC Action Fund applauds Mayor Steven L. Reed and the Montgomery City Council for taking up this critical issue. There is little doubt that a non-discrimination ordinance (NDO) is needed in order to address the discrimination and racial inequities that have plagued Montgomery for decades.
“Attaining these protections remain a vital concern for Montgomery residents, who need and deserve an NDO that fully supports the communities it is created to protect. We look forward to revisiting the issue at the appropriate time with input from the mayor, city council and most importantly, the communities who are directly affected.”