SPLC Action Fund Statement on DeSantis’ Latest Misguided Immigration Proposals

TALLAHASSEE – The Southern Poverty Law Center Action Fund (SPLC Action Fund) released the following statement from A.J. Hernández Anderson, senior supervising attorney for the SPLC’s Action Fund, responding to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ latest legislative proposals that target immigrant communities and children in the state:

“DeSantis’ racist and xenophobic legislative proposals will harm all Floridians and damage public health, public safety and Florida businesses. Florida is home to millions of mixed-status families. DeSantis’ xenophobic policies place Florida residents — regardless of immigration status — in danger of unfair targeting and racial profiling. DeSantis’ political posturing will have a chilling effect on cooperation between law enforcement and immigrant communities, resulting in serious consequences for immigrant families, children and persons of color across the state. These legislative proposals will target everyday Floridians by creating a surveillance state. Anyone, even U.S. citizens, will be subject to arrest simply for giving someone a ride to the doctor, school or church. Moreover, threatening to criminalize the use of E-Verify against employers will undoubtedly hurt — not help — Florida businesses and our economy. We urge Gov. DeSantis to stop his terror campaign against immigrants and focus on the needs of Florida families and businesses.”