MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Today, after adding an unnecessary and transphobic amendment, the Alabama Senate passed House Bill 391, 25-5. It was then finalized by the House, 76-13-6. The bill, which seeks to prevent transgender student athletes from participating in sports that align with their gender identity from kindergarten to 12th grade, now goes to Gov. Ivey’s desk for signature.
The following statement is from Scott McCoy, SPLC Action Fund interim deputy legal director, LGBTQ Rights & Special Litigation:
“We are disappointed that the Alabama Legislature chose to address a problem that doesn’t exist by passing House Bill 391. Our laws, and the lawmakers who write them, should work to protect Alabama’s transgender youth, not discriminate against them. This bill has missed the mark since its inception.
“Preventing students from participating in sports that align with their gender identities sends a dangerous and harmful message of intolerance and exclusion that is not based in fact, but ignorance. Its enactment would only serve to further harm Alabama students who only wish to be their authentic selves.
“Governor Ivey can end this reckless targeting of transgender students by refusing to sign House Bill 391. Allow Alabama students to enjoy the same experiences and opportunities that all kids dream of. We implore Gov. Ivey to focus on the real issues Alabamians face daily instead of imagined obstacles derived from fear and prejudices.”