We know that transgender children – like any children – have the best chance to thrive when they are supported and can get the health care they need. Sadly, right now, politicians in Montgomery, Alabama are pressing forward with a bill that would make it illegal for doctors to provide best practice medical care to transgender youth.
So this is where we stand: the House and Senate versions of these bills will be heard in committee this week, meaning they will take their first steps toward becoming law. In order to stop them, we have to make the first move today.
Stand with transgender children: Tell your lawmakers that parents, patients and medical practitioners should be the ones to make health care decisions- not politicians.
Reject SB10 and HB1.
We can stop this appalling effort if you take action with us:
When injustice is perpetrated by the powerful against the few, we can look to the left, and we can look to the right, but it becomes suddenly clear that each of us must be the ones to stand up. Thank you for standing up with us today.