Current endorsements
Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024, general election.
- Kamala Harris, President, United States
Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024, general election.
- Stephanie Arguello, Seminole County School Board, District 3
- Cindy Lerner, Miami-Dade County Commission, District 7
- Cindy Stuart, Hillsborough County, Clerk of Court & Comptroller
- Max Tuchman, Miami-Dade County School Board, District 7
- Marisol Zenteno, Miami-Dade County, Property Appraiser
Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024, general election.
- Andrew Cole, Cobb County School Board, Post 7
- Lisa Cupid, Cobb County Commission, Chair
- Tiijon DaCosta Sr., Newton County Commissioner, District 5
- LaTonya Gordon, Lowndes County, Coroner
- Kimberly Griggs, Newton County, Coroner
- Anthony Johnson, Muscogee County, District Attorney
- Laura Judge, Cobb County School Board, Post 5
- Denise Mitchell, Gwinnett County, Tax Commissioner
- Craig Owens, Cobb County, Sheriff
- Reginald Scandrett, Henry County, Sheriff
Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024, general election.
- James Kitchens, Mississippi Supreme Court, District 1
The SPLC Action Fund is a catalyst for racial justice in the South—we’ve won lawsuits, we’ve passed legislation and we’ve helped build organizing capacity throughout the region. This work is getting harder.
The radical right is drawing political boundaries designed to reduce Black voting power and recruiting candidates at every level of government. This means local officials are increasingly ideological and less open to ideas that do not fit within their own narrow agenda.
With increasingly radical and intractable judges and elected leaders, it does not matter how good we are at filing lawsuits or lobbying lawmakers. No amount of persuasion will convince a conspiracy theorist in local office to do the right thing.
For better outcomes in our courtrooms, statehouses and city halls, we have to identify pro-democratic candidates for office. It’s not enough to hope better people find their way to elected office: We have a responsibility to help educate voters about their choices.
The SPLC Action Fund makes endorsements in select races throughout the southeast. We seek out candidates for local office who are committed to dismantling white supremacy, strengthening intersectional movements and advancing human rights of all people.
In pursuit of this bold agenda, the SPLC Action Fund supports candidates who share our commitment to addressing the deep inequities that plague our nation.
We endorse candidates who…
- Support voting rights. We endorse candidates who believe in equal access to the voting box, stand against voter suppression and support lawful voter mobilization efforts.
- Recognize our prisons are dangerously overcrowded. We endorse candidates who believe we must address the inextricably linked issues of overincarceration, for-profit prisons and racial inequity in the criminal justice system.
- Fight economic injustice. We endorse candidates who are committed to strengthening the social safety net and fully funding our public schools.
- Are committed to protecting democracy. We endorse candidates who oppose efforts to delegitimize our democracy.
Candidates interested in being considered for an endorsement should contact: Madison Hollon at